Part I Test Plan

General Anatomy
  1. Topographical Anatomy (11%)
  • Planes of the body and anatomical terminology
  • Head and neck
  • Back and thorax
  • Abdomen, pelvis and perineum
  • Upper and lower limbs
  • Integument (including histology)
  1. Osteology of the Appendicular Skeleton (13%)
  • Upper limb and shoulder girdle
  • Lower limb and pelvis
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Arthrology and Syndesmology of the Appendicular Skeleton (11%)
  • Classification of joints
  • Articulations of the appendicular skeleton
  • Biomechanics
  1. Myology of the Appendicular Skeleton (12%)
  • Upper limb and shoulder (including innervation)
  • Lower limb and pelvic girdle (including innervation)
  • Development
  • Structure and histology
  1. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (11%)
  • Heart
  • Arteries
  • Veins
  • Lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissue (including spleen and thymus)
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Digestive System (11%)
  • Oral cavity and pharynx
  • Digestive viscera
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Respiratory System (11%)
  • Nose and sinuses
  • Larynx, trachea and bronchi
  • Lungs, pleura and mediastinum
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Urogenital System (10%)
  • Urinary organs
  • Male reproductive organs
  • Female reproductive organs
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Endocrine System (10%)
  • Endocrine glands and tissues
  • Development
  • Histology
Spinal Anatomy
  1. Osteology of the Axial Skeleton (18%)
  • Skull
  • Vertebral column
  • Ribs and sternum
  • Development
  1. Myology of the Axial Skeleton (17%)
  • Face and head
  • Back and neck
  • Thorax and abdomen
  • Pelvis and perineum
  • Development
  1. Arthrology and Syndesmology of the Axial Skeleton (14%)
  • Classification of joints
  • Articulations of the axial skeleton
  • Biomechanics
  1. Anatomy of the Central Nervous System and Related Structures (18%)
  • Cerebrum
  • Brainstem and cerebellum
  • Spinal cord and meninges
  • Vascular supply and relationships
  • Ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Anatomy of the Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous Systems (19%)
  • Spinal nerves, plexuses, and branches
  • Cranial nerves
  • Visceral innervation
  • Cutaneous innervation
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Organs of Special Senses (14%)
  • Vision
  • Audition and equilibrium
  • Olfaction
  • Gustation
  • Development
  • Histology
  1. Neurophysiology (12%)
  • Membrane potentials, action potentials, and synaptic transmission
  • Motor function
  • Sensory function
  • Autonomic function
  • Higher cortical function
  • Special senses
  1. Muscle Physiology (12%)
  • Cardiac muscle
  • Skeletal muscle
  • Smooth muscle
  1. Cardiovascular Physiology (12%)
  • Cardiac pump
  • Electrophysiology of the heart
  • Hemodynamics
  • Regulation of circulation
  • Circulation in organs
  • Lymphatics
  • Hematology and immunity
  1. Respiratory Physiology (11%)
  • Mechanics of breathing
  • Ventilation, lung volumes and capacities
  • Regulation of respiration
  • O2 and CO2 transport
  • Gas exchange
  1. Body Fluids and Renal Physiology (11%)
  • Regulation of body fluids/micturition
  • Glomerular filtration
  • Tubular exchange
  • Acid-base balance
  1. Gastrointestinal Physiology (10%)
  • Ingestion/motility
  • Digestion/secretion
  • Absorption
  • Regulation of GI function
  1. Reproductive Physiology (10%)

8. Endocrine Physiology (12%)

  • Secretion of hormones
  • Action of hormones
  • Regulation
  1. Exercise and Sports Physiology (10%)

 1. Carbohydrates (13%)

  • Metabolism
    • Catabolic pathways
    • Anabolic pathways
  • Chemistry
    • Structure
    • Properties
    • Function
  • Nutritional Concepts
    • Food sources
    • Digestion

2. Lipids (12%)

  • Metabolism
    • Catabolic pathways
    • Anabolic pathways
  • Chemistry
    • Structure
    • Properties
    • Function
    • Transport
  • Nutritional Concepts
    • Food sources
    • Digestion

3. Proteins, Amino Acids and Peptides (13%)

  • Amino acid metabolism
    • Catabolic pathways
    • Anabolic pathways
  • Chemistry
    • Structure
    • Properties
    • Function
  • Nutritional concepts
    • Food sources
    • Digestion

4. Enzymes (12%)

  • Classification and function
  • Kinetics and regulation

5. Hormones (13%)

  • Metabolic effects of specific hormones
    • Carbohydrate metabolism
    • Lipid metabolism
    • Protein metabolism
  • General properties
    • Chemistry
    • Mechanism of action

6. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (12%)

  • Metabolism of purines and pyrimidines
  • Chemistry
    • Structure
    • Properties
    • Function
  • DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis

7. Vitamins and Minerals (13%)

  • Chemistry
    • Structure
    • Properties
    • Function
    • Coenzyme precursors
  • Nutritional concepts
    • Food sources
    • Absorption of metabolism
    • Storage

8. Biochemical Energetics (12%)

  • Basic concepts
    • High-energy phosphate compounds
    • Oxidation-reduction reactions
  • Citric acid cycle
  • Oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport system

  1. Fundamentals of Pathology (15%)
  • Disease at the cellular level
  • Inflammation and repair
  • Neoplasia
  • Hemodynamic disorders
  1. Genetic and Congenital Disorders (10%)
  • Chromosomal disorders
  • Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Congenital disorders
  1. Disorders of the Immune System (14%)
  • Hypersensitivity reactions
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Immunologic deficiencies
  1. Environmental and Nutritional Diseases (13%)

5. Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System (16%)

  • Bone
  • Joint
  • Muscle
  1. Disorders of the Nervous System (16%)
  • Central nervous system
  • Peripheral nervous system
  1. Diseases of the Organ Systems (16%)
  • Cardiovascular
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Respiratory
  • Genitourinary
  • Endocrine
  • Blood and lymphatics
  1. Immunology (18%)
  • Cells of the immune system
  • Antigens, antibodies and complement
  • Hypersensitivities and immunopathologies
  • Immunization/vaccination
  • Assessment of immune responses/serology
  1. Bacteria (18%)
  • Structure and biochemical characteristics
  • Resistance, genetics, antigenicity, and pathogenicity
  • Communicable and infectious diseases
  • Reservoirs of infection and modes of transmission
  1. Viruses and Prions (18%)
  • Structure and biochemical characteristics
  • Resistance, genetics, antigenicity, and pathogenicity
  • Communicable and infectious diseases
  • Reservoirs of infection and modes of transmission
  1. Fungi (15%)
  • Structure and biochemical characteristics
  • Resistance, genetics, antigenicity, and pathogenicity
  • Communicable and infectious diseases
  • Reservoirs of infection and modes of transmission
  1. Parasites (15%)
  • Structure and biochemical characteristics
  • Resistance, genetics, antigenicity, and pathogenicity
  • Communicable and infectious diseases
  • Reservoirs of infection and modes of transmission
  1. Epidemiology and Disease Control (16%)
  • Health agencies and reporting/monitoring
  • Prevention, identification and control methods for communicable diseases
  • Population health assessments
  • Emerging diseases

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